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PBP (PLAYSTATION BOOT PACKAGE) is the archive format used for the PSP. The archive contains description data, preview media and executable/data content.

At the time of writing, PBP files have only been used for firmware updates, however, it is likely that game demos will also be distributed as PBP archives.

The format of PBP archives has been worked out. It is an uncompressed archive, with an index displaying file data offsets.

PBP files can be run from memory card. They must be placed in /PSP/GAME/.

Header structure[edit | edit source]

Offset Type Description
0x00 char[4] Signature, always { '\0', 'P', 'B', 'P' }
0x04 uint32 Version, usually 0x0100
0x08 uint32 PARAM.SFO offset
0x0C uint32 ICON0.PNG offset
0x10 uint32 ICON1.PMF offset
0x14 uint32 PIC0.PNG offset
0x18 uint32 PIC1.PNG offset
0x1C uint32 SND0.AT3 offset
0x20 uint32 DATA.PSP offset
0x24 uint32 DATA.PSAR offset